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About Us

What Are We About?




Weight-Loss/ Body Sculpting

Immune System Support

Circulation & Cell Regeneration

Pain Relief & Accelerated Healing

Anti-Aging & Skin Rejuvenation

Increased Energy

Relaxation/ Stress Reduction

At Spectrum Wellness Solutions, we care about results. By applying the science and technology of wellness to everyday habits we can promote weight loss, accelerated healing, and enhance the body's ability to increase energy and fight the effects of aging and stress. When the mind, body, and spirit are in balance, all other efforts made to heal, regenerate are maximized to reach their optimal potential.

What Do We Do?

Our location offers a soothing, relaxing, and spa-like environment that encourages well-being and good mental health, which, when paired with the cutting edge technologies of red light therapy, microcirculation therapy, and electroceuticals, produce outstanding tangible and holistic results for weight loss, and accelerated healing.

Read for Yourself

60+ Peer-Reviewed Studies

Our Team



Darci is on a mission to expand awareness and accessibility of the new resources and advanced technologies on the market today that bring optimal health, wellness, healing, hope, and positive change to the lives of those seeking to heal or maintain and preserve optimal health. 


In the past, she has experienced severe health challenges that led her to change career paths and ultimately find a parallel passion for health and wellness. She learned that investing in your health can impact not just your current health, but also your future health and the overall quality of the life you live now and in the years to come.


A large part of Darci’s research has focused on weight loss and nutrition, stress and sleep as well as brain and gut health and their impact on overall health. She found that making both your brain and gut health a priority, can improve the quality of your life in all areas. Struggling with memory loss, brain fog, and other cognitive and emotional issues can increase stress and decrease productivity while implementing easy, brain and gut-healthy habits that can benefit your career, your relationships, and your longevity.


Darci is extremely passionate about applying the cutting-edge science and technology of wellness to everyday habits that enhance the body's ability to increase energy and fight the effects of aging, stress, toxicity and debilitating illnesses. She has learned that when the brain and body are in balance, all other efforts made to heal, grow, and change have the optimal potential for success.

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Monday - Friday9 am - 7 pm 

Saturday: 9 am - 2 pm 

*Appointments available upon request.

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Hera Hub Irvine

16480 Bake Pkwy

Irvine, CA 92618



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*IMPORTANT: All information presented on this website is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or illness.
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